Whiskey Infused Nuts Glass Decanter

$37.50 $75.00
$37.50 $75.00您节省了 $37.50

Give him an 18 oz. Whiskey Infused Nuts Glass Decanter as a gourmet gift. The mix includes cashews, almonds, and peanuts. Reuse the container after eating the food to store liquor or other goodies.

We season the gourmet nut mix with our handcrafted recipe before roasting them. Damn, Man uses ingredients like real whiskey and natural flavors in this gift for men. The flavorful almonds, cashews, and peanuts are then packaged in an 18 oz. bottle.

The Damn, Man Glass Decanter serves as a classy gift that can also be repurposed. Our handcrafted Whiskey Infused Nuts have taste and texture. Give the almonds, cashews, and peanuts to any bourbon lover you know.


订单满 75 美元即可享受免费送货

订单满 75 美元即可享受免运费,尽情享受美味坚果和肉类的世界。

